Legal Information



Vermillion is strictly a gaming and programming community website. Having registered to this site, users have already agreed to the Vermillion Registration Agreement, a copy of which can be found here. By agreeing to the Registration Agreement, users have also agreed to follow the administrator-specified rules, which can be found here. The rules very clearly specify, among other important things, that the distribution of malicious content will result in the removal of the content, and may well result in the removal of the poster(s) as well. We encourage users to be aware of this in their posting.

We would like to make it clear that neither Vermillion nor its staff members are responsible for the actions nor posts of our users, both on and off the website. Our staff team is comprised entirely of unpaid volunteers who continue to work very hard to keep illegal, malicious, and unwanted content off of the website. We continue to work to improve our moderation and in turn the site experience for the community, but ask that all users and interested parties be understanding in the fact that we may not be able to get to everything immediately. If you do see a malicious post, please alert our staff members right away by clicking the "report" button, and this will make our jobs a lot easier. If the content breaks laws, copyrights, or infringes on personal information, users and non-users are encouraged to use our content removal request form to make us aware of it.

Intellectual Property & Copyrights

If you believe we have poorly accredited you for your work, or not done so at all, please contact us via our support email, [email protected]

Purchases & Spending

All purchases to our site are for site-based virtual content. Items we sell include VIP/Elite Memberships (which allow users special permissions on our forum), Custom usergroups (which allow users a private section), and Advertisements (which allow users to purchase a banner at the top of our site linking to their on-site threads, or offsite websites). In all cases, if a user is banned from our site due to their enfringement of our rules, they have forfeited access to their purchase for the period of their ban. This applies to permanent bans.

All membership sales are final and non-refundable. If an account is banned due to a violation of our rules, the user's membership cannot be refunded.
In the event of errors in our payment system, refunds may be issued by contacting an administrator.

More information regarding VIP purchases can be found here.
More information regarding Advertisements can be found here.
A legal agreement sent to buyers of usergroups can be found (usergroups temporarily unavailable).

Registration Agreement

Whilst we attempt to edit or remove any messages containing inappropriate, sexually orientated, abusive, hateful, slanderous, or threatening material that could be considered invasive of a persons privacy, or which otherwise violate any kind of law, it is impossible for us to review every message posted on this discussion system. For this reason you acknowledge that all messages posted on this discussion system express the views and opinions of the original message author and not necessarily the views of this forum website. Therefore we take no responsibility and cannot be held liable for any messages posted. We do not vouch for or warrant the accuracy and completeness of every message.

By registering on this discussion system you agree that you will not post any material which is knowingly false, inaccurate, abusive, hateful, harassing, sexually orientated, threatening or invasive of a persons privacy, or any other material which may violate any applicable laws.

Failure to comply with these rules may result in the termination of your account, account suspension, or permanent ban of access to these forums. Your IP Address is recorded with each post you make on this discussion system and is retrievable by the forum staff if need-be. You agree that we have the ability and right to remove, edit, or lock any account or message at any time should it be seen fit. You also agree that any information you enter on this discussion system is stored in a database, and that "cookies" are stored on your computer to save your login information.

Privacy Policy

The "what, why, who, and where/how" of Data Storage:

What do we store? Why do we store it? Who has access? Where/How is it secured?
Usernames. To allow people to identify you as the author of your content. This information is public. This information is public but can only be changed by you or site administration.
Email addresses. To send you (non-marketing) emails about your account and site activity, to allow you to log in to your account, and to help you restore access to your account if you lose it. You and our team. Optionally, you can make this information public. Encrypted through SSL, and then stored securely in our database.
Current Password. To authenticate your access to your account and prove your ownership when logging in and changing important details. Only you. Passwords are hashed and salted with military-grade hashing algorithms, encrypted through SSL, and stored securely in our database.
Identity Discriminators (IP Addresses, etc.) To authenticate your access to your account and to help our team identify malicious activity for matters of public safety. You and our team. Encrypted through SSL, and then stored securely in our database.
Optional Data (Posts, profile fields, messages, etc.) All site interaction data you choose to submit is used to build your social profile and share your perspective on the data submitted by other users. This is how an online forum works. You and our team, and the individuals you choose based on your settings for each type of content. Stored securely in our database, but usually considered public as most of this data is intentionally posted publicly by you.

Additional Data Storage Concerns

If the site team or administration can access some of my data, how can I know that their accounts are secure? How is the database secured?

How are identity discriminators processed?

To identify malicious activity on our site, we maintain a log of discriminators like IP Addresses and automatically compare them to the discriminators of banned or new users. This helps us ensure transparency and public safety. While this data will never be shared with other, non-team members nor another third party, the other accounts that your site activity is closely related to will be listed publicly. We process this information as a matter of public safety.

Who do you sell my data to, or share my data with?

We will never sell or share the data we collect on you with any third party. We do however use Google AdSense and Google Analytics, which may collect data themselves. Please read below for more information on Google's data policies.

Google AdSense & Analytics

Google is a third-party vendor who uses cookies to serve ads based on a user's prior visits to this website or other websites. Its use of advertising cookies enables it and its partners to serve ads to our users based on their visit to our sites and/or other sites on the internet. Users may opt-out of personalized advertising by visiting Ads Settings. Google Analytics uses first party cookies to provide us information about our site visitors and how they use our site. Click here to view their privacy policy.

COPPA (Children Online Privacy Protection Act)

When it comes to the collection of personal information from children under 13, the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) puts parents in control. The Federal Trade Commission, the nation's consumer protection agency, enforces the COPPA Rule, which spells out what operators of websites and online services must do to protect children's privacy and safety online.

We collect information from children under 13 with parental consent.

In order to remove your child's information please contact: [email protected] 

We adhere to the following COPPA tenants:

Contacting Us 
If there are any questions regarding this privacy policy you may contact us using the information below.

Last Edited on 2020-08-13